VCS designed and provided installation QC testing services for replacement of an existing wire slot impressed current cathodic protection system to protect a concrete parking ramp.
The Macy’s parking structure was undergoing repairs. The facility manager and contractor requested VCS to evaluate the condition of a 20-year old slotted wire anode system. VCS determined some zones of the system had ceased to function due to broken wires and failed grout in the slots, while other zones appeared to be partially operational. The facility manager wanted the system replaced as part of the existing repair program.
VCS conducted a visual survey, reinforcing continuity tests, a concrete cover survey, and collected concrete cores to determine electrical resistivity, then designed a slotted MMO titanium ribbon anode system to replace the existing system.
The testing identified that the reinforcing was electrically continuous, that the concrete cover was adequate to allow deeper slots, and that the existing concrete was a high performance concrete mixture and highly resistive. The ICCP design was optimized to accommodate the concrete mixture and minimize the system resistance. Installation QC testing confirmed proper system operation and uniform polarization of the reinforcing.