Currently, there are two general types of embedded galvanic anodes, generally categorized as discrete anodes and distributed anodes.
Are covered in ACIs Repair Application Procedure Bulletin 8 (RAP-8). The RAP-8 bulletin classifies discrete embedded anodes as:
Type 1 Anodes - used to mitigate the "halo effect" in standard concrete repairs
Type 2 Anodes – typically used to provide targeted corrosion control to hot spots as identified by a corrosion potential survey.
RAP-8 further classified embedded anodes as Type A – alkali-activated and Type H – halide-activated.
Are long units, generally 3’- 8’ in length, that are available in weights ranging from ¼ to 2 lb. zinc per foot of anodes. These systems can be designed to provide cathodic protection in many applications, such as column jackets, abutment repair, and deck overlays.
Having a thorough understanding of the benefits of uses of galvanic protection for concrete, VCS's NACE Certified Cathodic Protection Specialists are available to assist structural engineers and owners with all of their cathodic protection design, cathodic protection inspection, and system monitoring needs.